How to introduce yourself in English and Continue after Introduction with confidently

 How to introduce yourself in English and Continue after Introduction with confidently

How to introduce yourself in English: Episode 1

Many of us can't speak English fluently because of fear or when we meet for the first time we can't talk anymore after a little talk. Today I will teach you some simple methods by which you can overcome your fear of speaking English and continue to speak English with strangers without any fear.

When we go to present ourselves in front of strangers or to introduce ourselves, but the task becomes much easier if we follow some small and simple steps. Just 2 easy steps will make your job in English much easier.

Step 1: Introducing Yourself

Step 2: How to Continue After Introduction.

Let's talk about step 1 at the beginning, that is, let's learn to introduce ourselves. Assuming for this practice we have two people who will introduce themselves to each other and that is in English. Suppose, while practicing their names Person A and Person B., you can take the role of Person A and B yourself and take your friend with you. Regardless of the type of practice, let's assume that Person A and B are meeting for the first time today. What can we do in this case? The first thing you can say when you see A B is "Hi." What could be B’s answer to this? B might then answer A's "Hello." Pretty easy! Hi's answer Hello! But after that, what is the end of the two friends? The conversation will not continue? If you want to continue talking after this Hi / Hello, say your name in a very simple step.

Hi, I am Amira. / Hi, I am Rajon. / Hi, I am Rimon.

The name was said, but this is the end of the conversation? What else can be done if you want to take things a little further? After saying your name, you can ask the name of the person you are getting acquainted with in the counter question.

E.g. Hi, My name is Amira. What’s your name?

There are basically two ways to do this. The first is to know his name from the person I'm talking to and the second is to tell him that I'm interested in continuing the conversation. So when this question is asked who I am questioning

Of course he would tell me his name, in which case his answer might be

Hi, I am Rajon. / Hi, I am Rimon.

But even after all this, the conversation is not going to stop. Even then it is possible to take things further. When I was asking the other party the name but I asked in the contracted form. What is your name? What’s your name? Asked. Here this What’s called Contraction. Native Speaker or those who speak very good English, have they ever What What is your name? Thus they do not speak in full form, they speak in this Contraction form. What is your name? Or What’s your name? Neither is wrong. You can start using Contraction form from today just to speak beautiful English.

The name is known. Then what will we talk about? Then maybe we can have a good exchange with him.

For example-

"How are you doing, Rajon?" I mean, how are you, Rajon?

Or, to put it simply, "How are you, Rajon?" Both mean asking how Rajon is.

After asking this, we will definitely get an answer from him. It could be, "I am fine." That means "I'm fine."

But is that enough enough to be a little more polite or to show courtesy? The answer may be -

“I am fine. Thank you. ” Meaning "I'm fine, thank you." Or, “I am fine. How about you? ”

How about you? This means looking for him in return. That means, “I'm fine. How are you? ” This way you can find your friend according to your own way of speaking.

Let's make a small revision of what we have learned from the beginning till now.

Person A: Hello.

Person B: Hi.

Person A: My name is Amira. What’s your name?

Person B; My name is Rajon.

Person A: Rajon, How are you? / Rajon, How are you doing?

Person B: I am fine. Thank you. How about you?

Person A: I am fine. / I am fine too.

Here too is used in the sense of ‘I too’. I am fine too. - It means "I'm fine too."

Today we learned in a few simple sentences how we can get to know someone new as well as continue talking to them. It is easy to lengthen a conversation without just saying hi / hello. After Hi / Hello we want to know his name as well as how he is but the conversation goes a long way. We can continue our conversation after Hi / Hello by following just two steps.

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