How to prepare for IELTS academic writing test

How to prepare for IELTS academic writing test

Today I am going to talk to you about how you can prepare for the IELTS Academic Writing Test. First I will give you an overview of the written test. Then I will explain Task 1 and Task 2. And last but not least, the headline made you read this article.


Thus, the first written test lasts one hour. It is divided into two functions. Your first task should not take more than 20 minutes. This will give you 40 minutes for the second job. And you must enter at least 150 words for Task 1 and 250 words for Task 2. Okay remember, you have to manage your own time. You are only asked to start the test at the beginning and stop writing at the end. 


Okay, let's see  task 1 first.


You need to describe some kind of chart. It can be a graph, table, chart or some kind of diagram or a combination of these items. For example, now look at the bar chart on the screen. What does it look like? What are the general trends you see?


First, you see that there are far more part-time students than full-time students over a 10-year period. Second, although the number of female part-time students increased during this period, the overall number of part-time male students declined slightly. Looking at full-time students, there has been a decade of growth for both men and women. Okay, so our 


First tip for Task 1 is  You need to show the general trend of what is happening, and then focus on the details and provide the actual numbers.

Next, look at Rubric. When you write your answer, you must not copy from this rubric. Instead, you should use your own words.


Second tip 


Change Rubric's vocabulary and grammar so that it differs from the original. For example, "The bar chart depicts the full-time or part-time numbers of men and women taking courses in higher education in Malaysia from 2005 to 2015." Remember you can't get a bar chart. This could be a pie chart or a line graph, or a combination or different chart. It can be an image to describe a process. Or it could be a map or a plan.


So Third tip is, Don't be prepared for just one type of work. Be prepared for any of them.


Fourth tip, remember you only need to describe the chart. You don't have to give reasons. So, in the case of Malaysia, you don't need to explain why the number of part-time students is much higher than the number of full-time students, or why the number of female part-time students is increasing.


Tip number 5 is Pay attention to your grammar and vocabulary. Make sure you use the correct tense. You should use the past tense in this example, but other tenses may be needed with other charts.


Tip number 6 is to try to use as many different vocabularies as possible. But remember, do not copy from the rubric. Your organization is also important. Use paragraphs, and link your ideas together. However, do not overuse the words 'more', 'more' and 'as well'.


This is tip number 7 is finally, our last tip, make sure you answer the question. Describe the chart presented in the task!


Now let's move on to Task 2.


To do this you need to write a short essay with a question or answer to a question. Remember, you should spend 40 minutes on your task. And, you must enter at least 250 words. Our first tip about Part 2, do Part 2 first and Part 1 second. If you run out of time, it's better to do Part 1 than Part 2. This is because Part 2 has more numbers than Part 1. You may have to write different types of articles. Part 2. This can be a problem-solving type of composition. Or type pros and cons. Or an expository essay. Or a combination of these compositions.


Now, let's look at an example question: "Online social media is increasingly being used by people all over the world to communicate. Why is this happening? "You must enter at least 250 words." First, how many parts are there in this question? As you can see, there are two parts.


Tip number 2 is to get a good score for Part 2 you must answer all the parts of a question. So first, think about your ideas. In 40 minutes, spend about 5 minutes doing it.


This is tip number 3 

So, why are people increasingly using social media? Write down your ideas. Decide which one is best. Decide which ones are not very useful. And is using social media a good or bad thing? Again, write your ideas. Decide which your best argument is and which one to overcome.


Tip number 4 is to quickly plan your basic composition structure. In this article, you will probably have a total of 5 paragraphs. Introduction, why people use social media in paragraph two, advantages in paragraph three, errors in paragraph four, and then a conclusion with your opinion for the final fifth paragraph. The notes you make in the first five minutes form the basis of your plan. Okay, so start your role later. Similar to Task 1, do not copy the question. Use your own words.


This is tip number 5 And then continue with the body paragraph and conclusion. Okay, here are some more tips for Task 2.


Tip number 6 is to remember to watch your time. Try to leave 5 minutes at the end to read your article and correct the small mistakes you see.


Tip number 7 is to make sure you answer the question and you are on topic. In this article, if you only describe the type of social media that people use, you will not answer the question.


And, you get a low score. If you write about certain social media websites being restricted by the company or government, it will become off-topic. That means low scores. Be sure to write enough words. Short length answers mean low score.


This is tip number 8 For tip number 9, it is necessary to use paragraphs. If you do not use the paragraph, you will get a low score. And finally tip number 10 is try to use broad vocabulary and correct grammar. This will result in a higher score. All right. 


Conclusion: That's it for the IELTS Academic Writing Test. Remember; CILL is here to help you! The more you practice, the better. Goodbye and good luck with the IELTS Academic Writing Exam.

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